Friday 27 January 2017

27/01/2017 - VFX Group Discussion

27/01/2017 - VFX Group Discussion

CJ is not present due to personal reasons.

15:40 - Group meeting begins

15:41 - Denise proposes idea and moodboard for 'TLHM_Footage_QT_Preview_4' : Replace the statue with a futuristic device in the first scene.

15:43 - Manuel proposes idea and moodboard for the same video, showing his ideas : Replace the statue in the warehouse scene.

15:45 - Thomas explains that he also had the same ideas for 'TLHM_Footage_QT_Preview_4'. The three members present, Denise, Manuel and Thomas, discuss which elements would work and how they could be achieved. Thomas proposes that, as a character casts a shadow on the statue, we create a low-detail version of that character to cast a shadow on whatever CG model we choose to replace the statue.

15:53 - The group consults Jin and is told their idea is too complex

16:05 - Preview7's shot at 2:00 is considered


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